LilySlim Fitness goals tickers

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Way back in December of 2010, I marched myself to my local Weight Watchers and signed up. I lost almost 40 pounds between then and June 2011. I was proud of myself, but not at goal weight. I still had about 50 more pounds to go.
Yes, you read that correctly. I wanted to lose 90 pounds.
Summer came...and well...I was lazy, er...Lost motivation. That sounds better. Ha!
So, I spent the summer trying to beat the heat and enjoying my BBQ. Hubby and I took our kids to Disney World where we ate whatever we wanted. That included daily doughy bread pretzels for breakfast and Micky Ear ice cream for our daily afternoon snack. The buffets were amazing! Yes, I enjoyed. I came back home right before school started for my oldest, age four, feeling guilty. I enjoyed myself, but at what cost.
I went back to my Weight Watchers meeting.
I feel good about my choice to go back, to get back into the swing of things. It was also nice to see I dropped a pound even though I took the summer off. I walked in there expecting a 10 pound gain. I left thinking - Wow! Once I get to goal, I'm sure I can keep it off. I did for almost three months this summer. It was almost motivational.
That being said, I feel like I need more accountability. It's too easy to use my weekly points to cheat. A chocolate bar and a small bag of chips easily fits into my weekly points. I can sneak them when my oldest is at school and hubby is at work. The baby is with me, but he can only say about 10 words. None of them being "she ate crap food when no one but me was looking and all I got was a handful of goldfish crackers." Well, he does say "fishies" for goldfish crackers. Not the point.
I need a place I can be honest and here it is.

So 50 pounds is the goal of the moment.
How am I going to get there?
I am going to weigh and measure my food.
I am going to plan meals and snacks.
I am going to go to my weekly (Monday night) WW meetings.
I am going to make sure I get in my exercise.
I am not going to make excuses.
I am not going to beat myself up over slip-ups and gains.
I am going to learn from my mistakes and change.

Losing weight is not about being on a diet. It's a lifestyle change. I'm tried of feeling sluggish and flubby. It's time to take control of my life so that I don't end up giving myself high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues or anything like that. I want to stop turning to food for comfort so I can live a long life with my husband and children. I'm ready for this.

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